The Indicator Amino Acid Oxidation (IAAO) method is a useful tool in gaining consensus around protein requirements.
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While plant proteins can form an important part of a healthy and sustainable diet, that shouldn’t mean moving away from high-qu...
Optimising protein intake could help promote health and independence in an ageing population, according to the Protein for Life...
The rollout of DIAAS could have broad product development implications, particularly when fusing proteins into blends with opti...
Whey protein is known for its role in protein synthesis and weight management, but it is also a bountiful source of key macro- ...
When it comes to protein, you have to look beyond quantity alone. This is why the FAO-recommended DIAAS (digestible indispensab...
Staying fit during lockdown demands a good nutrition program. Whey protein will play a major role in rebuilding muscle and imp...
Consumer research shows that the motivations behind young shoppers’ purchases are evolving all the time. By understanding why w...
The metabolic syndrome is a collection of health risk factors that affect many people in the western world. The future is promi...
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